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Clinical Blogs

Vitamin B complex injection alternative… for metabolism and more

Vitamin B complex injection alternative… for metabolism and more

Every now and then, I receive phone calls from clients asking for vitamin B complex injection. It has not been available for awhile and what would be the optimal alternative? Let’s first look at what does vitamin B do in our body. B complex consists of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. B1 (thiamine) helps to strengthen immune system and helps our body withstand stress. B2 (riboflavin) protects body cells from oxidative damage and helps to maintain healthy mucous membrane (e.g. lining of the mouth) B3 (niacin) is needed in repairing DNA, energy production, and steroid...

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Do you know which medications can LOWER VITAMIN B12 LEVELS?

Do you know which medications can LOWER VITAMIN B12 LEVELS?

DO YOU KNOW Do you know which medications can LOWER VITAMIN B12 LEVELS? If you are on the following medications long term, you may be at risk of developing b12 deficiency: THE MEDICATIONS Diabetic medication Metformin Acid Suppressing drug: Proton pump inhibitors: Lansoprazole (Pravacid) Omeprazole (Losec, Prilosec) Rabeprazole (Pariet) Pantoprazole (Pantoloc) H2 blockers: Cimetidine Ranitidine (Zantac) Famotidine (Pepcid) If you are using any of the above medication long term, it is suggested that B12 level should be checked regularly. Using Sublingual B12(give under the tongue) or B12 injectables is one good option in resolving b12 deficiency.

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B12 deficiency – Are you at risk?

B12 Deficiency vitamin b12

B12 deficiency – Are you at risk?

Vitamin B12 is one of the essential B vitamins involves in various functions in our body including making red blood cells, DNA, nerves, metabolism and energy production. B12 deficiency is underestimated and its prevalence increases especially with age. Many risk factors contribute to b12 deficiency. Check out if you’ve got any of the followings: Strict vegetarian or vegan diet - vegetables do not produce b12 People who underwent stomach stapling or bypass surgery – the surgery can affect the absorption of b12 or extraction of b12 from food People who suffer from chronic illnesses such as Celiac disease or Crohn’s...

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How to take care of your liver?

How to take care of your liver?

Liver is one of the biggest organs in the body. One important function our liver does is detoxification. It helps us to filter out and get rid of toxins. Overtime, our liver can be overloaded and will not be able to filter out toxins as efficiently as before. So what can we do to ‘cleanse’ the liver? Let’s check out a few of the items below: Chlorella (broken wall): Helps to absorb toxins due to its toxin-binding ability Milk thistle, dandelion, artichoke All these herbs help to protect liver cells and maintain healthy liver function Zeolite: Helps to absorb heavy...

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Topical Pain Management

Topical Pain Management

Throughout our lives, we would have experienced some joint or muscle pain. In order to treat muscle soreness and pain, often the class of oral medication NSAID is a common drug of choice. However, these medications can potentially cause side effects. A few recent studies have shown that topical diclofenac is effective clinically in treating acute arthritis pain and reduce inflammation. Absorption of the drug is minimal and therefore side effects are significantly reduced. After workout, muscle soreness is usually very common. Besides using topical pain reliever, magnesium applied topically is an excellent way to relieve the muscle soreness. Magnesium,...

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